Budokai - Ispra

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Taichi QiGong & Yoga

Activity, time schedule, teachers
Taichi, Qigong and Yoga section regularly starts the new year from 18 September 2023 with face-to-face courses and some online courses

The activities will take place until 30 June 2024

You can only participate in the Taichi, Qigong and Yoga courses if you are a Budokai member.

How to sign up

1.   Registration to the site                https://www.budokai.it/

2.   Subscription to the POLISPORTIVA BUDOKAI      (€ 30,00)


Read on the web site “How to enrol at the Club

3.   Enrollment in courses

Wait for confirmation that there are places available.

Remember to attach the valid medical certificate

Qi-Gong is the set of practices aimed at developing the inner energy of man especially through the control of breathing. The origin of Qi-Gong is lost in the prehistory of China, it is a shamanic legacy that was subsequently accepted, elaborated and perfected by Taoism and the schools inspired by it or linked to it.
Qi-Gong is based on gymnastic, meditative and breathing exercises that the student learns gradually. The aim is the acquisition of longevity, immunity from disease, physical and mental strength and the ability to direct vital energy outward for therapeutic and combat purposes. For these reasons, Qi-Gong is related to all other fields of Traditional Chinese Medicine and martial arts. Specifically, the martial arts that prefer a student's concentration to the cultivation of internal energy are Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing I and Pa Kua.

Trimestre Fee 30€, Annual Fee 60€

QI-GONG (Istr: Ana PAYA PEREZ) TUESDAY and THURSDAY 07h45- 08h45

Tai-chi is characterized by stylized movements performed with fluidity and slowness. The physical and mental benefits deriving from the practice of Tai Chi are due to a better and more intense circulation of Vital Energy (Chi) within the body. it is also an excellent gymnastics as each movement is aimed at balance, muscular and nervous relaxation, deep breathing, stimulation of all the vital functions of the body.

Monthly Fee 45€, Trimestre Fee 115€, Annual Fee 230€
Qigong – Therapeutic Chinese Gym
(Istr: Ana Payá Pérez)
TUESDAY and THURSDAY: 7:45-8:45

(Istr: Gilberto Brini)
WEDNESDAY 12:15–13:30
STAGE TAICHI ON SATURDAYS (to be announced) 
(Istr: Marco Gamuzza)
• 21 October 2023 • 11 November 2023 • 2 December 2023 • 20 January 2024 SATURDAY: 15:00 - 18:00

TAI-CHI/Kung-Fu STAGE on SATURDAYS at the JRC Club House with Master Marco Gamuzza   

it is aimed at everyone, adults and children, without distinction of race, of gender and age, except that for children it is appropriate to propose the practice in a way that suits them. For this reason, one is recommended at the Budokai age from 15/16 years upwards.

The weekly or (biweekly for the lucky ones) practice that we manage to indulge ourselves at Budokai is essentially linked to âsana and prânâyâma, it teaches us to know ourselves, starting by recognising our limits and respecting them, and gives us some tools to begin to calm down, at least momentarily, the mind. It represents an opportunity to plant a seed that must then be cultivated with perseverance, discipline and unwavering curiosity, by each of us personally.

Monthly Fee 40€, Trimestre Fee 90€, Annual Fee 200€


Starting 25 September 2023
Yoga – Asana

(Istr: Roberta de Rosa)
Room Fior di Loto
MONDAY 12:15-13:45
THURSDAY 18:45-20:15

Starting date to be announced
Yoga – Asana
WEDNESDAY 8:00 - 9:00 AM Room Glicine

Starting 18 September 2023
Yoga – Ashtanga

(Istr: Monica Savioni)
Room Glicine

Yoga – Power
(Istr: Monica Savioni)

Taichi/KungFu Master Marco Gamuzza

At the Budokai - Ispra (VA)


Ana Payá Pérez is the founder of the Taichi and Qigong section in ASD Budokai in 2000. Student of Dr. Liu Dong and Master Liu He since 2006. She has graduated in Qigong Self-Cultivation and Teacher Trainer in 2016 and 2018 from the International Healing Qigong School of Portland (Oregon -USA).  


Master Marco Gamuzza is the technical director of the traditional school of Kung Fu and Tai Chi Xin Dao, with the meaning of "The Way of the Heart" indicating precisely as a mission the search for the essence of Chinese Kung Fu and the culture connected to it. Testamentary disciple of Grand Master Yang Linsheng, (one of the 10 Chinese Masters of great interest to the Chinese government), he studies and specializes with him directly in China through intense training stays that he organizes every year.

The goal of Master Marco Gamuzza is to transmit Kung Fu in particular the internal method in its purest essence, putting the practitioner at the center giving him the opportunity to initiate a real transformation and evolution both in understanding and realization in style and method that on a personal level.

TITOLI:T ai-Chi – 5° Dan – Istruttore ASKT di Yi Quan, Tai Chi Yang e Chen, Yi Quan e Shaolin.

Sito Web del Maestro Marco Gamuzza

INSEGNANTE DI YOGA - Monica Salvioni
Monica Salvioni
Monica Salvioni holds a Yoga Alliance RYS 200 and CONI recognized Teacher Training from the Fabrizio Boldrini school, a restorative Yoga Teacher Training from Ana Davis Bliss Baby Yoga, Byron Bay (Australia) and a Prenatal Teacher Training from Sara Quintavalle, Satya Yoga school.

She teaches Power and Vinyasa Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga and Pilates.

Monica Salvioni proposes a dynamic and fluid style of yoga practice. Participants will work through a set sequence and synchronize your breathing with the movement as you move from one posture to the next. Sessions typically begin with sun salutations, then standing and sitting postures, and finally a final sequence and rest.

The class is open to practitioners of all levels of practice. The teacher will provide an open and supportive environment that allows for practitioners of different levels. Regular and constant practice helps to relieve tension in the upper part of the spine (nape, neck and shoulders) but also to strengthen the lumbar area and the abdominal girdle. Combining positions (asanas) with meditation and breathing (pranayama) has benefits for physical, mental and spiritual health.


  • Monday: 7h45 -8h45 
  • Tuesday: 12h15 -13h15
  • Thursday: 12h15 -13h15
  • Friday: 7h45-8h45

Recorded lesson package**
    **by subscribing to the package of recorded lessons, you will be able to benefit from a recording of the most recent lesson given by Monica on Zoom. Recorded lessons will be distributed on a weekly basis and available for 10-14 days from the original lesson. The costs remain the same as those of the online or in-person courses


    INSEGNANTE DI YOGA - Luisa Fois Eardley

    Luisa Fois Eardley 

    Graduated Yoga teacher in 2021 at the "Il Laboratorio" center in Varese, with a two-year diploma recognized by CSEN and CONI. Certificates in yoga for back pain, yoga for the elderly, psycho-motivational relaxation. You have been practicing yoga for 20 years; my long stay abroad and personal interest led me to get to know various schools, such as Iyengar yoga, Bikram yoga, Scaravelli inspired yoga, the non-dual yoga of Kashmir, which are a source of inspiration and complement for my teaching of Hatha Yoga.


    My courses are suitable for everyone. With yoga the practitioner progressively rediscovers his own bodily potential, softening the joints and toning the muscles. The digestive, urogenital, respiratory, cardiac, nervous and hormonal systems are irrigated. Through meditation, breathing control exercises (pranayama) and the sustained duration of the positions, the practitioner regains concentration and mental serenity.

    The lesson ends with a deep relaxation; the student is refreshed and revitalized, ready to face daily life.


    WEDNESDAY 08:00-9.00 (Room Glicine)

    FRIDAY 09:15 -10:15 (Room Fior di Loto)


    Qigong Courses
    Club House CCR - room Fior di Loto Budokai - Ispra (VA)
    Qigong is the set of practices aimed at developing the inner energy of man especially through the control of breathing. The origin of Qi-Gong is lost in the prehistory of China, it is a shamanic legacy that was subsequently accepted, elaborated and perfected by Taoism and the schools inspired by or linked to it.

    Qigong is based on gymnastic, meditative and breathing exercises that the student learns gradually. The aim is the acquisition of longevity, immunity from disease, physical and mental strength and the ability to direct vital energy outward for therapeutic and combat purposes. For these reasons, Qigong is related to all other fields of Traditional Chinese Medicine and martial arts. Specifically, the martial arts that prefer a student's concentration to the cultivation of internal energy are Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing I and Pa Kua.

    Liu Dong’s Method