Budokai - Ispra

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Karate Courses 2024-25

Traditional Shotokan Karate


Karate is one of the most popular martial arts and is an effective method of self-defense. Both physical-technical preparation and mental attitude are developed. A standard course program includes: warm-up gymnastics, study of fundamental techniques (kihon), practice of kata (forms), combat (kumite) and self-defense techniques. The budokai Karate club has more than 40 years of history; It started its activities in the 60s. 

Karate Courses 2024-25


The karate courses will start on Monday  September 09 (children course and evening adult course).

The adult course will begin on Tuesday September 10.

All courses are held in the Fior di Loto gym (Club House) except the Friday course which is held at the Multi Sports Hall.

Registration is only possible through the budokai website.

VERY IMPORTANT: Trial lessons are NOT allowed for insurance reasons. It is possible to participate in the lessons only AFTER official acceptance as a budokai member and payment of the registration fee.



(from 8 years onwards)

The course is held by master Ivano Azzini.

Monday from 18.00 to 19.00 for all students

from 19.00 to 19.30 only students from the green belt upwards.

Wednesday from 18.00 to 19.00 for all students

from 19.00 to 19.30 only students from the green belt upwards.


Annual Budokai membership fee of 30 € (Mandatory)

Annual supplementary fee for Karate (FIKTA Federation registration) €. 35 (Mandatory).

Frequency (annual / annual family (**) € 210 / € 200 (Mandatory)

(**) For members of the same family who are added to a first member of the karate section.

IBAN: IT50J0623010802000047067906

HEADING: Budokai asd Karate Section



The course is held by master Ivano Azzini 

Monday from 19.30 to 21.00.

Wednesday from 19.30 to 21.00.

SUNDAY * 9: 30-11: 30

(*) Only on scheduled dates


Annual Budokai membership fee of 30 € (Mandatory)

Annual supplementary fee for Karate (FIKTA Federation registration) € 35 (Mandatory)

Attendance (annual / annual family (**) € 180 / € 170 (Mandatory)

(**) For members of the same family who are added to a first member of the karate section.

IBAN: IT50J0623010802000047067906

HEADING: Budokai asd Karate Section



The course is held by masters Ivano Azzini and Giampiero Duchini.

Tuesday from 12.15 to 13.30.

Thursday from 12.15 to 13.30.

Friday from 12.00 to 14.00 only advanced belts.


Annual Budokai membership fee of 30 € (Mandatory)

Annual supplementary fee for Karate (FIKTA Federation registration) € 35 (Mandatory).

Attendance (annual / annual family (**) € 180 / € 170 (Mandatory)

(**) For members of the same family who are added to a first member of the karate section.

IBAN: IT50J0623010802000047067906

HEADING: Budokai asd Karate Section




Ivano Azzini

Karate 4º Dan

Gian Piero Duchini

Karate 4º Dan


History of our Karate Club
The origin of our karate club goes back in time….

(Photo copyright Budokai Karate Club) – (NB: Zenkutzu-dachi + shuto uchi?)

In the early 1960s, the Research Center of the European Community for Atomic Energy "Euratom" was established in Ispra (in the Lake Maggiore area).; In that period, some young researchers started the first "after-work" corporate activities.
A small group among them was interested in a martial art they have already heard about in their countries: Karate; but unfortunately, they could not find any information about Karate schools in the area and their interest remained just a "good will".

One summer, one of them went to an holiday village in the southern part of France and found, amongst the activities offered, a Karate course held by a "Japanese"; he attended the course for a couple of weeks. Once returned back to Ispra he showed to his colleagues what he had learned (Heian Shodan kata) and the group decided to meet regularly (in a basement) and study that kata. On the following summer the person returned on holiday in the same village and again he had the opportunity to practice Karate with the same Master and thus to learn new techniques, he shared with his colleagues to continue training. 

Finally, our friends found in a short article on a newspaper the news that a Japanese Karate Master (Master Shirai) from the Japan Karate Association (JKA) in Tokyo was in Milan (October 1965) to teach Shotokan Karate in Italy. Thus they went to the gym (Dojo) in Milan where they could meet Master Shirai, they explained their development in the art and demonstrated what they supposed to be the katas Heian Shodan and Heian Nidan ...... Master Shirai then left the room shaking his head disconsolately. They were then joined by an assistant (Master Abruzzo) who showed the correct form of the Heian Shodan and Heian Nidan katas. From that moment the group began to attend the Master Shirai's school, initially training with Master Abruzzo. By the way, the Master who taught at the French tourist village was Master T. Kase!

The Club "officially" began its activity in 1972, among the founders and first Instructors were B. Weckermann(±), G. Blaesser, M. Jamet(±), O. Gautch(±), who for a long time have attended Master Shirai's courses in Milan. Weckermann and Blaesser acquired the title of Instructor in the first instructor course held by Master Fugazza.

Following the history of traditional karate organizations in Italy, our club has been affiliated to FESIKA, FIKDA, FIKTEDA; and since 1989 to FIKTA (from 2011 till 2021 a subsection was enrolled to JKA Italy).

The "Karate Club Euratom" affiliation to FE.S.I.KA. (italian Karate Sport Federation) in 1972.

Towards the end of the 80's the Euratom Karate Club merged into the Budokai Sport Association as one of its founding members and thus becoming the Budokai Karate section.