Budokai - Ispra

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The Gymnastics section organizes courses and activities for adults and children.


Pilates courses, Postural Gymnastics, Maintenance Gymnastics, Stretching, FeetUp, etc ...


The Pilates method by increasing the mind-body connection brings global and permanent benefits. Exercises simultaneously improve posture, strength and flexibility.

 Soft Pilates

Course for everyone and particularly to prevent or treat trauma or pain. The primary objective is the achievement of psycho-physical well-being.


Exclusive course to tone the whole body, Pilates techniques are proposed with intensity and rhythm. The lesson is for everyone, even if it has a medium-high impact; it is to achieve excellent physical shape, for good motor control and correct posture, also to promote weight loss with metabolic elevation. We will also use some small tools.


The course is a fusion between the Pilates method and Yoga, the advantages are the benefits of both disciplines. The course is for everyone and the aim is to improve mind-body control by increasing flexibility and energy.


Pilates course with the use of small tools (balls, sticks, rubber bands, etc.). With the use of tools, exercises and body control will be perfected. Course for everyone

 Pilates Tone up

Pilates course for muscle toning. The course is for everyone, the level is medium-high.

Pilates Calisthenics

Practice of suspensions-inversions using Yoga Pilates and Calisthenics skills.