Budokai - Ispra

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About us

Polisportiva Budokai is a Sports Association of Traditional Martial Arts and Oriental Disciplines of Ispra (Varese).

The first core of the club was made up of judo in the early 1960s. Later the Karate club was added, then Aikido and Kendo. Since 1980 the various clubs have formed into sections of the "Budokai A.S.D".

The board of directors of the Budokai

  President            and Head Sect. Aikido:     PASCAL KUPPER



 Secretary and Head Sect. Taichi/ChiGong/Yoga         ANà PAYA PEREZ

 Counsilor Head Sect. Gym:                     ADELE DI DONATO PINATO

 Counsilor Head Sect. Karate:             GIUSEPPE MUNDA

 Counsilor Head Sect. Scherma/Krav-Maga:                 EDUARD LATRE

 Counsilor Head Sect. Judo:                                              DANIELE GIGLIO

 Counsilor     GIORGIO ARDENTE

 Counsilor     MATTEO ANZANI

The Budokai logo

BuDoKai (武道会) means association for the way of martial arts.

The ideogram has the same meaning (way, path) also in Chinese, but is pronounced "Dao" or "Tao". In Chinese philosophy, the Tao (the principle) represents the fundamental force that flows through all matter in the Universe.

The ideogram Do  道 (the way, the path) is therefore an element present in the name of our association and common to the various martial arts of Japanese origin that are practiced by our sections: AiKiDo, JuDo, KaraTe-Do.