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Remember to attach the valid medical certificate
Qi-Gong is the set of practices aimed at developing the inner energy of man especially through the control of breathing. The origin of Qi-Gong is lost in the prehistory of China, it is a shamanic legacy that was subsequently accepted, elaborated and perfected by Taoism and the schools inspired by it or linked to it.
Qi-Gong is based on gymnastic, meditative and breathing exercises that the student learns gradually. The aim is the acquisition of longevity, immunity from disease, physical and mental strength and the ability to direct vital energy outward for therapeutic and combat purposes. For these reasons, Qi-Gong is related to all other fields of Traditional Chinese Medicine and martial arts. Specifically, the martial arts that prefer a student's concentration to the cultivation of internal energy are Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing I and Pa Kua.
Trimestre Fee 30€, Annual Fee 60€
QI-GONG (Istr: Ana PAYA PEREZ) TUESDAY and THURSDAY 07h45- 08h45
Tai-chi is characterized by stylized movements performed with fluidity and slowness. The physical and mental benefits deriving from the practice of Tai Chi are due to a better and more intense circulation of Vital Energy (Chi) within the body. it is also an excellent gymnastics as each movement is aimed at balance, muscular and nervous relaxation, deep breathing, stimulation of all the vital functions of the body.
it is aimed at everyone, adults and children, without distinction of race, of gender and age, except that for children it is appropriate to propose the practice in a way that suits them. For this reason, one is recommended at the Budokai age from 15/16 years upwards.
The weekly or (biweekly for the lucky ones) practice that we manage to indulge ourselves at Budokai is essentially linked to âsana and prânâyâma, it teaches us to know ourselves, starting by recognising our limits and respecting them, and gives us some tools to begin to calm down, at least momentarily, the mind. It represents an opportunity to plant a seed that must then be cultivated with perseverance, discipline and unwavering curiosity, by each of us personally.